With the end of the summer approaching I thought it was important to make this incredibly low-maintenance dessert, that not only looks impressive, but also tastes amazing!

With the end of the summer approaching I thought it was important to make this incredibly low-maintenance dessert, that not only looks impressive, but also tastes amazing!
Vancouver, British Columbia is a vibrant city that has a population nearing 2 million.
Hot summer days call for.. ice cream! Surprisingly, this recipe is even suitable for hot summer mornings. Nice cream is short for banana ice cream, frozen bananas blended up into soft serve.
As Samuel Johnson said: “Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.”
When the temperature rises and you do not fancy a hot tea, why not try and make a refreshing panna cotta with the flavour of black tea, honey and blueberry coulis.
Berlin is one of Europe’s most popular cosmopolitan cities. It is a mixing pot of people and communities, known especially for it’s lively and energetic youth.
The tea gives the crème gives a very subtle bitterness, which pairs perfectly with the caramel and makes this classic dessert quite extraordinary!
My favorite time to be in the city is when the sun sets over the skyline of Manhattan, and the city lights turn on illuminating the streets. The city comes alive and good vibes are in the air.
We have all experienced the really hot summer days where hot drinks are just not appealing enough to quench your thirst. Many people turn to unhealthy, sugary, fizzy drinks but it is so simple to make a delicious, healthy cold brewed iced tea.
Nearby you can find the natural regional park of Molentargius and the salt pans where you can enjoy the view of the many pink flamingos, who every year choose the Molentargius for nesting.